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Homeopathy Nano Repertory 7.1
A.B. Information Systems
Homeopathic repertorization from Kent, Boericke, Boenninghausen,Vega Boxes.
Homeopathy Nano Repertory Lite 6.0
A.B. Information Systems
Homeopathy, Homeopathic Program, HolisticHealing Tool, Natural Health Tool, Computerized Android Repertory,Nano Repertory is a computerized Mobile Android and iPhoneApplication to facilitate and make easier the use of the variousrepertories. This is the lite version with 3 full sections of 2repertories and cross reference ability.The full version has over1000 rubrics and it has been developed for use by professionals,students, lay persons and even hobbyists. In fact, this applicationcan be used by virtually anyone interested in repertorizinghomeopathic remedies. It is extremely important to note howeverthat, this Application is intended only to provide knowledge. Thecreator, author and originator of this application is notresponsible for any use of this application. Nano Repertory is theintellectual property of the creator, author and originator. Anypurchaser or user of the Nano Repertory must as a condition of suchpurchase and/or use accept that the Nano Repertory is the exclusiveintellectual property of the creator, author and originator. Inorder to use this application, you must first agree to these terms.You may not use the application if you do not accept the Terms.Your use of the software will be treated as acceptance of the termsconcerning this application and any future versions, modificationsand enhancements that may follow. You agree to use the softwareonly for its intended purpose and to refrain from engaging in anyactivity that interferes with or disrupts the software. Youexpressly understand and agree that the author, creator, originatorshall not be liable to you for any reason whatsoever. Further, thisapplication is distributed with no warranty. Using this software isdependent solely upon the judgment of the user, the user’s physicaland mental state and consequently no responsibility/liabilityresides in the creator, author, originator of the application norin any of its distributors, employees or agents.The Nano Repertory is constantly improving and you acknowledge byusing this application that the software may change from time totime and that those improvements, enhancements, extendedapplications and/or modifications may change without prior noticeto you. Those improvements, enhancements, extended applicationsand/or modifications are also covered and/or incorporated by theterms and conditions set forth herein.Any and all users of the Nano Repertory are solely responsible andstrictly liable for its use and application. The informationcontained within the repertory is intended only as an informationalguide upon which the user takes full and strict responsibility forits application, use and the outcome or result from the informationcontained within the repertory. The author of the application doesnot warrant or otherwise represent how the repertory may beapplied. That is the sole responsibility of the user who shall havethe exclusive and strict liability for any and all outcomes,treatments, or the like such professional, student, lay person orhobbiest shall make.Currently the Nano Repertory contains 2 repertories: Kent’s theBoericke's Repertory and Vega Boxes. It is intended that futureversions of the Nano Repertory will also encompass otherrepertories. Other versions will be made available within the nearfuture. In addition, all future upgrades, unless specifically setforth otherwise, shall be provided free of cost after the initialpurchase of the Nano Repertory. Finally, while this version iscurrently for use on an android mobile device, other venues,including IPhone use, will also be made available within the nearfuture. All rights to the Nano Repertory for the IPhone are herebyreserved as it will be identical to the present application.Likewise, all other rights arising from or directly derived fromthe present application are likewise reserved.
Homeopathy Basic Repertory 2.0
A.B. Information Systems
Homeopathy, Homeopathic Software, Holistic Healing ToolComputerizedAndroid Repertory, Nano Repertory is a MobileApplication for themillions with various repertories by farsuperior to others. It isan excellent tool considering a personknows how to use ahomeopathic repertory. Otherwise the applicationwill seem like itdoesn't do anything. This Application has beendeveloped for use byprofessionals, students, lay persons &even hobbyists. Theapplication can be used by anyone interested inrepertorizinghomeopathic remedies. This Application is intended& is providedas a knowledge source. The creator, author &originator of thisapplication is not responsible for any use ofthis application. NanoRepertory is the intellectual property ofthe creator, author andoriginator. Any purchaser or user of theNano Repertory must as acondition of such purchase and/or useaccept that the Nano Repertoryis the exclusive intellectualproperty of the creator, author andoriginator. In order to usethis application, you must first agreeto these terms. You may notuse the application if you do not acceptthe Terms. Your use of thesoftware will be treated as acceptance ofthe terms concerning thisapplication and any future versions,modifications and enhancementsthat may follow. You agree to use thesoftware only for itsintended purpose & to refrain fromengaging in any activitythat interferes with or disrupts thesoftware. You expresslyunderstand & agree that the author,creator, originator shallnot be liable to you for any reasonwhatsoever. Further, thisapplication is distributed with nowarranty. Using this software isdependent solely upon the judgmentof the user, the user’s physicaland mental state and consequentlyno responsibility/liabilityresides in the creator, author,originator of the application norin any of its distributors,employees or agents. The Nano Repertoryis constantly improving& you acknowledge by using thisapplication that the softwaremay change from time to time and thatthose improvements,enhancements, extended applications and/ormodifications may changewithout prior notice to you. Thoseimprovements, enhancements,extended applications and/ormodifications are also covered and/orincorporated by the terms andconditions set forth herein. Any andall users of the NanoRepertory are solely responsible and strictlyliable for its useand application. The information contained withinthe repertory isintended only as an informational guide upon whichthe user takesfull and strict responsibility for its application,use & theoutcome or result from the information containedwithin therepertory. The author of the application does not warrantorotherwise represent how the repertory may be applied. That isthesole responsibility of the user who shall have the exclusiveandstrict liability for any and all outcomes, treatments, or thelikesuch professional, student, lay person or hobbyist shall make.Thisversion of Nano Repertory contains 3 repertories: Kent’sRepertoryand Boericke Repertory. The other application - NanoRepertoryincludes also the Vega Box repertory. You can find it onGooglestore also . It is intended that future versions of theNanoRepertory will also encompass other repertories. Other versionsofthe Nano Repertory will include additional repertories and willbemade available within the near future. As to future products,nowarranty is being made as to the time frame within which theymaybecome available. All rights to the Nano Repertory for the IPhoneare hereby reserved as it will be identical to thepresentapplication. Likewise, all other rights arising from ordirectlyderived from the present application are likewise reserved.